NTU Research > Presentations > Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading

Selected Presentations

Complete list | Public Understanding | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Soil & Sand | Materials & Surfaces | Abhesion & Slip | Liquid Marbles & Electrowetting | Superhydrophobicity & Acoustic Waves | Acoustic Wave Sensors | SAW Theory | Selected Others

Additional presentations relating to superhydrophobicity and superspreading on particular themes are given under the other menu choices.

"Superhydrophobicity, spreading and imbibition".
An invited keynote talk on superhydrophobicity and superspreading, at the Biomimetic FSFI international workshop, University of Nottingham, UK. September 2009.

File: "UoN Keynote September 2009 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"The absolute hydrophilic nature of all solids (including Teflon®)".
A talk on the definition of hydrophobic/hydrophilic surfaces and their relationship to adhesion, and explaining droplet wrapping when smooth or rough solids have low bending energy, at the Bubble & Droplets Workshop. Thessalonika, Greece. September 2009.

File: "Hydrophilic B and D September 2009 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Superhydrophobicity, spreading and imbibition".
A seminar for researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Capri, USA. July 2008.

File: "UMass July 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

An introduction for researchers at the EU Cost P21 Physics of Droplets Training Meeting, Capri, Italy. May 2008.

File: "COSTP21 May 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"
Weblink: COST P21

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A short overview talk of research in the Nottingham group given at the inaugural COST P21 meeting in Darmstadt, Germany. December 2006.

File: "COST P21 Darmstadt December 2006.pdf"

"Analysis of the evaporation of water droplets from textured surfaces".
A talk on the evaporation of droplets from superhydrophobic surfaces given at an EU COST D19 meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. September 2005.

File: "Evaporation on SH September 2005.pdf"

"Super-wetting and super-spreading".
A progress talk on superwetting at a EU COST D19 working group meeting at NTU, UK. December 2003.

File: "NTU COST Superwetting December 2003 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Dynamic wetting of structured surfaces".
A talk at a European Science Foundation sponsored meeting on Solid/Fluid Interfaces in Spain. March 2003.

File: "Spain March 2003 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"